is all it takes for an Internet User to Decide and Leave a website.

Imagine what happens when a One-Time-Password service Fails!

Try Now


Code Matched. -This is how phone number will be verified.

Try Again
Welcome to One-Shot-OTP
Your Complete OTP infrastructure!
99.9* percent Times Your OTP WILL

*And for the rest of the 0.1 percent time, when you request voice call,
we bear the price!

A comprehensive solution for 2FA

You are covered GLOBAL

Deliver your authentication PINs to users regardless of their location. With MSG91 global coverage spanning 800 networks and 190 countries, you can deliver your one-time PINs with best delivery rates and speed available on the market.

Developer Friendly

We made enabling 2-factor authentication a cake walk! Now you get to secure your website/your App in 2
minutes by 2FA (Mobile verification). We Will NEVER EVER let your end-user go Promise!

Cum commodo a a litora convallis cum risus aliquam consectetur dui donec mattis condimentum lobortis.
Carl Kennedy
Associate Director, IT Development